Economic and social circumstances continued to weaken its power to influence events, and yet it remained a player in the game . 经济和社会状况继续削弱着它影响事态发展的能力。它仍然是勾心斗角的角逐中的一方。
Good or bad people are created by the social circumstances 好人坏人是因为社会的情况造成的。
In addition , most of us grow up with people of similar social circumstances 另外,我们大部分人与相同社会背景的人一起长大。
In addition , most of us grow up with people of similar social circumstances 除此之外,我们大多数人在具有类似社会背景的人群中长大。
On the interactive effects between stereotypes and the causality construction of social circumstances 刻板印象与社会情境因果建构的相互影响
These different trends of marriage age in the 87 years reflect the social circumstances and development in the u . s 87年里不同的婚龄趋势反映了美国的社会形势及发展。
Social circumstances , colleges of vocations and vocational students are the three advantages for vocational college to foster enterprise talents 高等职业学校培养创业人才,在社会环境、高职院校、高职学生三个方面具备有利条件。
The legislative grounds of the priority right , which are based on the social circumstances , must be understood from the social circumstances 优先权立法基础来源于它赖以存在的社会物质生活条件,必须从社会物质生活条件来理解优先权的立法基础。
Meanwhile , under today ’ s productivity level and social circumstances , it should be noted that there are some problems in itself as well as other 总结历史,展望未来,对家庭联产承包责任制的创新,可以说是当前农民和农村经济发展的又一次历史性的机遇。
Each case will treat the fundamentals of the materials science and materials engineering involved , as well as the social circumstances surrounding the technological events 每种案例将探讨材料科学和材料工程的基本原理,以及环绕于技术对社会现况的影响。